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Date& start:

27 - 28 July 2024


Nikopol Beach - Nikopol Beach

track :


registration period

27 July 2024

about the event

Nikopol and MAYOR OF Nikopol Municipality hosted the 2nd round of the ATVMX Championship of Bulgaria ATV Challenge Cup. The race was very contested, with our young hopes riding with a lot of emotion, and the older ones showed quite masterful performances.
In the Mini Junior class (7-12 years and engine 71-100 cc 2-t or 150 cc 4-t) the victory went to Filip Kashov, who was the fastest in all three races and scored 75 points. He was followed by Vladi Zakharinov with 64 and Martin Dobrinov with 62, followed by Alexander Popov, Emir Fikret, Vladiyan Tsvetkov and Anthony Arnaudov.
